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Trulie Awesome Productions was formed in 2014 by Salvatore Porchia and Megan Overholt, to produce The Trulie Awesome Show, a collection of original sketch comedy and lively dance numbers. The company went on to produce a variety of shows and entertainment, including The Trulie Awesome Pie Show which combines games with the audience, stand up comedy, and free pie. 


Trulie Awesome Productions is named after Megan’s stage name Trulie Scrumptious and Salvatore’s stage name Totalie Awesome. The goal of the company is to produce fun, original, and fantastical entertainment for audiences online, live on stage, and just about anywhere!


Salvatore Porchia, an avid musician, philosopher and mathematician, had been living in Columbus Ohio and New Orleans until 2012 when Columbus Ohio became the permanent home. Using the skills acquired from years of writing, programming, and studying people, he joined with Megan to create The Trulie Awesome Show. Salvatore’s roles in the company include: producing, writing, music, buttered, filming, sound engineering, programming, editing, directing, design, performing, tech development, props, set design, projection, and tinkerer.


Megan Overholt studied dance, music, and theatre most of her life in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In 2002, Megan moved to Columbus Ohio for a performing opportunity and loved the city so much she decided to stay. She created the character Trulie Scrumptious in 2012 and took to the Burlesque scene with her paper costumes and machete. She began writing sketch comedy with Salvatore Porchia and using the characters of Trulie and Totalie, co-developed the concept for The Trulie Awesome Show. Megan’s roles in the company include: costuming, choreography, writing, directing, filming, editing, graphic design, props, marketing, music, accounting, booking and scheduling, casting, web design, social media, performing, and content development.

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